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Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)




Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)
Y1 - Y6 National Curriculum break down and colour coded

Y1 - Y6 National Curriculum break down and colour coded

Hi there, This resource includes: History, geography, science, art, DT, cooking and nutrition, music, computing, languages and PE for Y1-Y6, colour coded and you can skip easily between year groups to spot what's changed or been added. It also includes key Science vocabulary from the National Curriculum for each year group and each key topic. It also includes PSHE year groups objectives. Hope this helps!
Year 1 - Whole year's worth of weekly plans - maths, literacy + medium terms for other subjects

Year 1 - Whole year's worth of weekly plans - maths, literacy + medium terms for other subjects

8 Resources
Hi there, I thought I'd share the love and give others a chance to benefit from the hours and hours worth of planning that goes into each weekly plan. These are my own plans for the whole of the year. You will obviously need to tweak as some half terms are longer/shorter, or INSET days may vary. I've also included all my weekly timetables with a weekly overview on it + homework for the year! Hope it helps somebody in need!
Year 1 - Differientated homework for the whole year (Maths, Literacy, Phonics alternating)

Year 1 - Differientated homework for the whole year (Maths, Literacy, Phonics alternating)

Hi all, I've used this homework for the past 2 years and it's always gone down well with parents. Each bit of homework is differentiated into 4 parts based on the ability groups and colours within my class (can be changed). I've included an initial letter to parents to explain the homework (on the first homework doc). I've never sent homework home to parents in Autumn 1 due to transitioning up from Foundation and the step up in learning already. It usually alternatives maths and literacy each week and then I've included phonics homework for when you near the phonics screening. All the homework was hand made by me, so not just copied resources from elsewhere online. Hope you find some use in it and can tweak it to suit your requirements.